
by Fostina Samir

I want to bring you clarity. I want to cause you confusion—

To spread love, to reign in hate. 

Let go of my anger, believe what is and what could be. 

I want to be calm. I want to cause panic and fear,

To cause peace, to cause chaos,

Be the best and worst version of myself. 

I want to be a saint. I want to be a devil,

To release pain, to unburden my mind, to get a good night’s sleep,

Freedom from my anxiety and self-doubt. 

I want my past and my future. I want to inspire and spark rebirth.

To learn my strengths and weaknesses,

To cry, laugh, learn, focus, dream.

I want to remind myself of where I have been, where I am and where I could be,

But, above all, I want to give you life.

FOSTINA SAMIR is a professional writing major who aspires to be an author of mixed genres, ranging from YA to Fantasy. She is a lover of love and horror. She spends her time reading, writing, baking sweet treats, and volunteering at a non-profit.