Fall 2022

Issue 1.2

Love is a universal feeling commonly associated with happiness, bliss, and overwhelming optimism; however, in reality it is far more complex. This issue of Inventio explores the darker sides of love and seeks to challenge our preconceived notions by daring to ask, is love always a positive emotion? 

Our fiction submission reflects on what it means to love and whether it is possible to love too much through an epic science fiction tale between a human and a cyborg. One poetry submission reflects on a blind search for love that consumes its seeker. 

Our second poetry submission deconstructs the traditional domestic fantasy. One non-fiction submission looks at how a lack of familial love leads to an appreciation of nature. The second non-fiction submission explores the effects of a parent’s expectations that, though born from love, may hold back the children they hold dear. 

We would like to thank our gifted contributors—Krista Gosselin, Joelle Lepage, Mahmoodulhasan Bhaiyat, Nicholas Mohammed, and Jessica Lappin—for honouring us with their works. We hope you enjoy this issue.

—Written by Leilani Carranza

Edited by Dunja Dudarin, AEiC 

The Copse of Trees in the Southeast Corner of Donna Park

The Copse of Trees in the Southeast Corner of Donna Park is a story that evokes nostalgia for those who find themselves looking to nature for its beauty and for its protection. Explore one teenager's journey of discovering this side of nature, juxtaposed with a pain-filled day of wandering.

On Pluralizing the Future

Expectations can cause a lifetime of limitations—like having tunnel vision about your future because of the expectations of others. On Pluralizing the Future explores one person's journey of challenging those expectations through the telling of her own story, while inviting others to do the same.

Cyborg in Love

This compelling work of science fiction follows Ciris, the daughter of the reigning Princeps of Anax—who, like most of her people, is a cyborg. When an embassy from a neighbouring planet comes in search of an alliance, Ciris is suspicious, as Anax, in all of its power, has much to lose. Ciris must decide if the bold and alluring General Rei will be a hindrance or help to her planet's future, and what that future should look like.

A Late Siesta

A cyclical domestic façade of muted mischief and the mulled over thoughts that accompany its man-made allyship.

In the Garden of St. Iven

The shadow of Aphrodite’s passion begins a solemn, sightless journey, and a deep suffering that begs to be seen.

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