ISSUE 2.3 FALL 2023

Life is a series of choices falling into and out of our grasp—a powerful collection of possibilities. The pieces in this issue grapple with the choices that define our lives and remind us that the ability to choose is a privilege that may not extend to death and beyond.

Our fiction pieces remind us of the two biggest choices we must make in life: to remain passive observers or to become active participants. One piece offers us a glimpse into the choices that shaped a woman’s life, choices that were made for her, as she navigates through the many halls of the afterlife. In the second piece, a chance encounter provides a young woman with an opportunity to take fate into her own hands.

Our poetry pieces remind us that perception is a choice. One poem perfectly captures that how we choose to participate in life coincides with our perception of reality. Our second poem builds on those sentiments and reflects on the world that opens itself to us when we take a chance on the unknown—when we dare ourselves to step off the ledge.

Our non-fiction piece reflects on life and the possibility of an afterlife. This piece reminds us that sometimes we don’t have a choice in going down dangerous paths, but it also serves as a testimony of faith and prompts us to live as if each moment were our last.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our extraordinary contributors—Adam Dickson, Rys Zhu, Saige Severin, and Viki Posidis—for honouring us with their works. We hope you enjoy this issue.

— Written by Rebecca Wallace
Edited by Jessica Lappin, AEiC

The Resolve to Suffer

Eleanor and her mother arrive to meet with a suitor who is desperate to make things work, be it through the art of love or simply some old-fashioned wicked persuasion.

The Miracle of Facing Death

Through this harrowing tale, the author reflects on the impact of near-death experiences and the unexpected effects they may have on the trajectory of our lives. Readers are invited to join the author as they reflect on the cathartic tranquility of being caught between both life and death.

Susan Dowling

Susan Dowling’s foundational beliefs are shattered as she moves through the many doors of the afterlife.

for now waltzing nowhere

For now waltzing nowhere is a poem that evokes a sense of nostalgia, comparing how the speaker whimsically observed the world as a child and how they observe the world now.

a bird next

A bird next explores how close we can get to experiencing the freedom of being a bird through ziplining—a feeling that is simultaneously within and out of our reach.

Author Testimonials