long distance

by Rosemary Jaramillo

I like you from a distance,
just like watching the sun set into the sea in July.
I prefer you in sips,
like a glass of champagne in the night.
I like how there’s space,
like the moon watching over
You and I.
I like you hours apart,
like the time that it takes to open our eyes.
But in those hours, I only dream of you—
like the way it might feel to be next to you.
I like you long distance—
yet I want that distance to be erased from existence.

ROSEMARY JARAMILLO is a fourth year English and Journalism student attending the University of Toronto Scarborough. With a passion for writing, Rosemary spends her personal and academic life behind a pen. Rosemary also enjoys spending her days behind romance novels, ones which bring out her passion for writing.